IMHI Alumni UK

Friday, January 20, 2006


Dear alumni,

As some of you know, students at IMHI will be participating in the 4 L Trophy in 26 days. 4L was a famous car launched in 1961 by Renault. Since then, plenty of afficionados are collecting those vintage cars.

The 4L IMHI is an association aiming to bring 300Kg of school stationery in South of Morocco as well as participating in a great competitive adventure.

More information available at .

If you wish to sponsor them, please look at this page

All the best for the IMHI team from AAIMHI UK.

Guillaume Thevenot H00


  • At Monday, April 10, 2006 11:32:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks to aaimhi UK for all the encouragements... and you know what? We came back with great souvenirs.

    We would like to share our pictures with you, please go on to access our pictures.

    Yoann Dumontet
    President 4L IMHI 06


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