IMHI Alumni UK

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Memories from our Get Together this week

Thanks to all of you who have turned up to the event on Tuesday at the Slug & Lettuce. I have counted about 50 people who made the effort. I will send you an invitation for the last event of this year before we all go to Xmas holidays.



  • At Wednesday, June 18, 2008 6:37:00 am, Blogger Unknown said…


    I'm a korean living in seoul.(NAME: OH MINSEOK)

    I know that korean companies samsung,hyundai,sk CEOs are issuing(or issued) stocks or bonds illegally.

    The quantity are plenty.

    Korean government and prosecutors are also guilty.

    Shareholders in any country are victims.

    I ask for asking for criminal investigation to prosecutors in any country.

    And help the shareholders.

    Three companies are hacking me and trying to kill me.
    And are suspicious to do illegally use my name or email.
    If you receive another message that the things I dictated above are not true, it is not from me but from three companies.
    The Things I dictated above are true.


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